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Reminders to Voters of Changes to Baldwin County Voting Precincts

Oct 10, 2024, 16:04 PM

As the 2024 General Election approaches, the Baldwin County Commission wants to remind voters of the various changes made to Baldwin County Voting Precincts before the 2024 Primary Election. No additional changes have been made to Baldwin County Voting Precincts since the Primary Election.

We urge citizens to confirm their Voting Precinct before heading out to vote.

A list of Baldwin County polling locations can be found here: District Maps / Voting District Maps / Voting Precincts ( An Interactive Map which shows the location of each polling place can be found HERE. Voters can confirm their Voting Precinct by typing in their address in the top left-hand corner in the address bar.

Citizens can also confirm their registration status at Alabama Votes | Alabama Secretary of State.

Seven new voting precincts were created, and eight polling places were relocated in existing voting precincts ahead of the 2024 Primary Election. Boundary lines were modified in six precincts to accommodate the relocations. As a result of these changes there are 15 new polling locations throughout Baldwin County. 

The areas where new voting precincts were created are Spanish Fort, Malbis, Summerdale, Gulf Shores, Magnolia Springs, Daphne, and Loxley. A new polling location has been designated to each new voting precinct.

Polling locations were relocated in the north Baldwin County areas of Little River and Crossroads, on the Eastern Shore in Spanish Fort, Bromley, and Point Clear, and in south Baldwin County in Magnolia Springs, Bon Secour, and Orange Beach.

Due to the growth in Baldwin County and the effect it has had on many of the County’s existing polling locations, the Baldwin County Commission adopted Resolution #2024-020 in November 2023, which approved various changes to County polling locations ahead of the 2024 state-wide elections. 

The official public notice that was released with the updates and changes can be viewed HERE.

49,666 new voter cards were mailed to all affected registered voters between November 30 and December 5, 2023. Voter cards are white postcard size mail outs that contain important information including the voter’s name, address, designated polling location, and the political districts in which the voter lives

For any election, the last day to register to vote or update your voter registration is 15 days prior to the election.

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