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The Baldwin County Animal Shelter is Seeking Volunteers!

Mar 8, 2023, 15:11 PM
The Baldwin County Animal Shelter is in urgent need of volunteers. The primary needs at this moment are
for volunteers to help with walking the dogs as well as playing with the dogs outside to help them get their

daily exercise while also socializing them.

To Volunteer:

• Must be 18 years of age or older.

• Fill out a volunteer packet either at the Baldwin County Animal Shelter or find it online at:


• Visit the Baldwin County Animal Shelter located at 15240 County Road 49, Summerdale, AL 36580,

anytime Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.

• Receive a tour of the facility and get started!

The mission of the Baldwin County Animal Shelter’s Volunteer Program is to educate the public and
enhance the quality of life of the citizens of Baldwin County and the animals at the Baldwin County Animal
Shelter. The primary purpose of the Volunteer Program is to get the citizens of Baldwin County involved in
making the Baldwin County Animal Shelter the best facility it can be. The Volunteer Program encourages

and promotes participation by individuals and groups within Baldwin County.

For more information, contact the Baldwin County Animal Shelter at 251.972.6834.